Monday 18 November 2013

Multicultural Manchester - websites

"What began as a dozen stalls outside the town hall now occupies four of the city's biggest squares and several other streets besides, attracting around 7m visitors to its 300 stalls." By Sarah Walters, MEN. X

Every mid November, Manchester City Centre is changed into an area busting with wooden cabins and European delicacy's - known as the Christmas Markets, which isn't a disappointment this year.
With over 300 stalls you can follow the trail and buy goods from France, Germany, Holland and more along the way, not forgetting the food and drink that's on offer! From

Bullet Points

  • 120,000 people visited the markets over the opening weekend.
  • The food and drink stalls have been expanded into Exchange Square.
  • They attract around 7 million shoppers annually.
  • The success of the stalls have gone up 15% from last year. From
The secondary research was useful because all the websites told me relevant information because it was written over the past few weeks. Although some of the websites I looked at were repetitive.
I found them useful because they were all easy to read and were easy to take things from, the articles were short but detailed and accurate.

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