Monday 19 May 2014

Scene by scene breakdown

INT Holly's bedroom
Her getting ready

EXT Shot of college exterior 
Holly walking up to the gate 

INT College corridor
Holly and other students 
Holly bumping into people trying to find where she's going

INT Form room
Holly, her form and form tutor 
Holly stumbling in late

INT Corridor 
Holly and Chloe
Holly hurries out and Chloe follows her and introduces herself

INT Classroom
The media class 
Chloe takes Holly to her lesson where she meets the rest of the class

EXT Around college grounds
Chloe, Holly and Luke 
Chloe sees Holly and Luke walking together 

INT Classroom
Chloe, Holly and rest of the class 
Chloe pulls Holly aside to talk to her 

EXT Around college
Holly, Luke and Chloe
More of Holly and Luke together and we see Chloe looking at them from a distance 

EXT Dark street
Chloe and Holly 
Holly walking home by herself and we see Chloe behind her, she pulls Holly to the side to talk to her in a more threatening way

INT Holly's house
Holly walking in going straight up to her room

INT Holly's room
Her waking up and reluctantly getting ready

INT Classroom 
Media class
Chloe sat that the back smirking as Holly walks in and sits by herself 
Skip to the end of the lesson, class is dismissed and Holly starts to walk out to avoid Chloe
Hand shuts the door and it's Chloe - she begins to talk to the class 

Screen goes black. 

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