Monday 19 May 2014


My story is based around a typical teenage girl called Holly from Yorkshire, she listens to generic pop music that's in the charts, spends a lot of time on her phone and idolises celebrities. Her and her family recently moved to Manchester after her dad got a new job promotion to coach a football team in the local area. Holly was overjoyed on the inside but calm and cool on the outside when her mum and dad sat her down and said the two words she'd heard twice before... "We're moving!" Summer just gone was an interesting one but she wants to move on from it. Holly went to a summer camp and met new friends but events took place and which let to Holly having a lot of trust in one girl that she met and never thought she'd see again. Her move to Manchester meant she could meet new people and no one knew anything about her. Or so she thought.

She starts at a new college one month into the first term and on her first day she gets her new timetable and a map of the buildings. She bumps into people as she is a bit lost in the main building and eventually finds the room she's looking for. She stumbles into her first tutorial late and introduces herself to her tutor and form, she looks around the somewhat lifeless classroom with the white dull walls where the paint is peeling off and notices someone she thinks she recognises. She shrugs it off as she thinks it isn't possible that it could be the person she's thinking of as she's now so far from where she used to live.
After form, Holly dashes out but this person pulls Holly a side and introduces herself as Chloe and both are friendly towards each other, for now.
Turns out they're in the same class and Holly takes a liking to a guy in the class, it just so happens that the Chloe likes him too. A few weeks pass and after Chloe finds out Holly and him have gone out on a few dates, she isn't ecstatic about it.
There seems to be tension between these two characters and it's all because of this and she uses what happened over summer as more of a reason to dislike her. Chloe begins to threaten that she'll expose what happened unless she backs off of Luke.
But she doesn't.

Holly has made other friends but doesn't tell them much about how she knows Chloe. That stays between the two of them.
Chloe begins to make school life a bit of a nightmare for Holly, embarrassing her in class and making up petty rumours about her. As time passes, Holly and Luke become closer and this only agitates Chloe more and she decides enough is enough.
She speaks to Holly one on one after she follows her home and makes it clear that she's had enough and she's going to tell everyone her secret. But... will she actually do it?

Only 3 characters are mainly involved in my narrative. We have Holly who's your typical teen really, she's outgoing but reserved. It makes her classmates feel suspicious of her as she already knew Chloe but never told anyone how.
Then we get Chloe who on paper seems more interesting, she can be quite outspoken, her voice always has to be heard but she is a really good friend to those she's close to. Although you don't want to get on the wrong side of her which Holly quickly learns.
Finally the last character who plays a part in the narrative is Luke, he drives the plot forward with Holly and Chloe's relationship and he plays a role in how it deteriorates. He's a nice lad and gets along with everyone, Luke knows what he wants and seems to have a sense of humour about everything.

My story will appeal to my target audience of teenage girls because I think the situation in it is very realistic as it shows friendships and how they can turn into bullying and it really plays on the whole idea of being careful who you trust.

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