Tuesday 16 September 2014

Unit 33 Assignment 2

Our stop motion is going to be a live action music video. It's going to be based in a doll house. We're going to use props. The music video we're going to do is 'Pretty hurts by Beyoncé'

First part -

Lyrics: Mama said, "You're a pretty girl.What's in your head, it doesn't matter
Brush your hair, fix your teeth.
What you wear is all that matters."

Action: The doors open to the doll house as a symbol of introduction. We see Beyoncé waking up in her bed as the songs lyrics start. She gets up and looks in the mirror. There is flashes of her brushing her hair and then brushing her teeth. And then looking in a wardrobe.

Second part:

Lyrics: Just another stage, pageant the pain away
This time I'm gonna take the crown
Without falling down, down, down

Action: The scene cuts to her walking down a hand made stage, stopping at the end then cutting to an extreme closeup of her face with a crown being put on her head.

Lyrics: Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst
Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts

Action: Live action of someones hands with the lyrics appearing word by word.

Third part:

Lyrics: Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst
We try to fix something but you can't fix what you can't see
It's the soul that needs the surgery

Lyrics: Blonder hair, flat chest
TV says, "Bigger is better."
South beach, sugar free
Vogue says, "Thinner is better."

Action: Shutting the wardrobe. It then cuts to the barbie doll sat on the sofa watching parts of the real beyonce video picks up magazine, opens it and reads the words 'thinner is better' then closes the magazine and on the back it says the end.

Edit in the starting background vocal 'uh uh uh'

Target audience:
Young teens to young adults, mainly female because the song features a female vocalist singing about the issue on girls' appearance and the main character in the video is a girl. Real life fans of Beyonce are around this age and the majority are girls so the topic will suit the target audience. Teenagers will be able to feel like they can relate more to the issue if the lyrics are on the screen it makes the message clearer.

The genre of this stop motion is reality this is because it's tackling the real issue of girls and how they can be portrayed/affected by the media.

Design: Because of the target audience we're focusing on more female related colours - pinks and pastels, the set will be in a girls' doll house which is pink and white on the outside. Using colours like this is more likely to catch attention

and attract a female audience which is who we're targeting.

Young teens and older are inspired by Beyonce and because she is such a public figure and in the public eye she's someone they can confide in and it helps when she is one of the celebrities that make girls feel better about themselves.
This article proves that she's the right person to use for this target audience because she's labelled as a role model for young girls .

Similar product:

We took inspiration from the actual Pretty Hurts music video by Beyoncé, we're following the same storyline but also putting our own twist on it. Both ours and the real video focus on the topic of self image and the action on screen is going to follow the lyrics.

We also took inspiration from a Train - Drive by fan made stop motion music video. We used the idea of writing the lyrics on paper and making the words appear one by one as if they were writing themselves. We thought we would use this only for the chorus of the song because they have the most important lyrics in the song.


My storyboard

Character designs

Set design 1
Set design 2

Lyrics: Just another stage, pageant the pain away
This time I'm gonna take the crown
Without falling down, down, down

Action: The scene cuts to her walking down a hand made stage, stopping at the end then cutting to an extreme closeup of her face with a crown being put on her head.

Lyrics: Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst
Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts

Action: The lyrics appear on paper and peoples' hands covering their faces, words appear one by one.

Song being played throughout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1OCU76Sphg
Sound of high heels walking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ypvEsF0UeU
Camera noises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UoOa8D3xGI
Crowd clapping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-KpcrSsZeQ
Crowd cheering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3i9ilHpPko


  1. Yes they have explained what the characters are doing
    I think the audience is more young girls because you using barbie dolls
    I think the genre is right
    Need to examine more products
    They are explained what colours and actions and sounds are going to be used
    (Matt king)

  2. 1. Yes, we can understand the plot
    2.Yes, they have explained what the characters are doing.
    3. Yes, the target audience is suitable
    4. Yes, genres correct.
    5. Yes, they have examined other products.
    6. Yes, but they could also look at other songs by Beyonce see what other things she does.
    7. Explained the principles but only some towards the audience

    Callum Booth
    Ben Garbut

  3. We can understand the plot, They have explained what the characters are doing in detail, the target audience is well explained and suitable, Yes they have explained other products, Yes they have explained what principles, Colours sound and actions they are going to use to target the Audience - Jamie and Joe

  4. Should refer to another stop motion music video as well. Noted that only one sound is used (music track). Otherwise research plot and characters are a-ok! (JACK & Fred)!x!

  5. yes we can understand the plot
    yes they have
    yes the genre is correct
    yes the products they have picked are suitable
    Yes they have used the principles
    Arran, Bilal, Josh
