Tuesday 9 September 2014

Lesson notes Assignment 1 Unit 33

Lee Hardcastle - The Raid.
Style: claymation
Audience: older kids/young adults

What genre is the animation and what generic conventions (things you expect to see) can you pull out?
Action - prop of guns, special effects of explosions, movement of fighting. Protagonist and antagonist.

What do you notice about the movement of the figures body?
Stiff shuffling movement - lack of legs, they've broken a principle of animation - arcs. Deliberately done for the effect of enjoyment. 
Arms moved quite human like - followed the arc principle to create the effect of realism. 
Shot cat - followed the principle of gravity.

What do you notice about the movement of the figures face and facial expression?
Sweat - followed the principle of gravity, effect is realism and creates tension. Facial animation - raised eyebrows, attention to detail. Effect is so we can get a sense of their character. 

What comments can you make about the use of sound?
Well synced and realistic, dialogue, gunfires, explosions, siren, blood splatter - special effects. Non diagetic sound.

King Kong (1933) and Creature Comforts (2003)


  • Clay models
  • Similar styles 
  • Both have a similar point of view camera shot 
  • Both use animal themes with human qualities
  • Surrealism
  • Secondary action - stuff in the background was moving 
  • King Kong is in less detail as the dolphin is 
  • Creature Comforts is in colour
  • Quality is better in Creature Comforts
Development over time:
The movement in Creature Comforts flows better 0:33 to 0:44 - hand gestures and mouths moving aren't jolty. 0:02 to 0:06 looks like obviously fake. looks more human like, the sound is more realistic and is synced better. The model creation has gotten better with more attention to detail. Fewer frames were used in King Kong so it looked more jerky and less time was spent/lack of experience.

Stop motion started to convey objects magically moving in the late 18th century, initially using clay models/card letters and toys to show this. Nowadays with technology we're able to merge the basic knowledge of it with CGI and puppets to make it flow and look better      

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