Monday 3 November 2014

Studio Production Presentation

Jade: Our idea was to make a show for younger people, both genders aged 10 to about 18. It's going to be informative, telling the audience about weekly news, sport and music highlights as well as viral news and fashion.

Examples of how the audience will be targeted. 
Will : The audience will be targeted by us talking about topics and issues that are relevant to our target audience age range of 10-18.  
Our music segment will target both genders and a youth age upwards, 13-20. The band and presenters are also teenagers and the music debate will be aimed at the youth culture and how the perception of music has changed, and overall, has it influenced or hindered todays youth compared to the last few generations.

Ben: The fashion part will target girls aged 15 and up. This is because the fashion being shown will be aimed at women who want to get clothes for lower prices, being on a budget. Mainly for students as they have to be logical about what they can buy and topics like this are useful for those on a budget but still want good clothes.

Callum: The target audience for sport would be mainly males, but females also enjoy watching sports. We'll be featuring the most popular sports such as athletics, rugby, cricket and football to attract a wide audience. 

The viral videos segment will target teenagers around 13 to 18, people who are on social networks regularly. Videos from social networking sites such as Youtube and Vine are viewed by a worldwide audience. On Youtube, over 4 billion videos are viewed everyday. We are targeting this audience because it's a wide audience with a variety of different people (young, old, male, female).

Why the audience will like the programme
Freddie: The audience will like our programme because we have segments for both genders and different kinds of people. For example we have sports which targets a male audience as well as fashion which will attract a female one.

Jade: There's nothing out there right now that's like this, presented by the age range of the target audience and covers so many topics, each segment will be 2 to 3 minutes long so the audience won't get bored and the programme will flow well making it enjoyable for them to watch.

Examples of genre.
Bilal: Our program targets many different genres such comedy, news, sport, fashion and music.

For the comedy aspect we are taking inspiration from celebrity juice, we are doing this by taking the challenges that and games that they use on the show, for example we are getting our presenters to go out into public dressed up and busking. 

We are going to incorporate a news segment in our show discussing the news that is going on in that week to help inform the audience. we will be taking inspiration from BBC news but we hope to make it slightly different by making it more fun and current for younger people, for example talking about celebrity news.

Matt: We are going to have a segment that dedicated to sport which would target our male audiences. We will talk about the latest news that is going on in sport for example scores of recent football matches along with other sports.

We are also doing a fashion and beauty part to the program to target the female audience where our presenters will tell the audience about fashion tips and celebrity's fashion and beauty trends that they can get for cheaper.

For our music we are taking inspiration from shows such as later with Jools Holland where acts will perform live in the studio and we will ask them questions about their act.

Why ours is quirky/creative/important.
Alex: It is a fun and good idea because it is different and unique to all other shows which are similar. We're including a challenge and forfeit which will be fun for the viewers to watch.
It's creative because we've incorporated all of our ideas and merged them together to form one, so we've all had an input on the idea and we've all been able to make something our own in it.
Finally it is important as it informs all generations about what is happening in a way which they will all understand and respond well to how it is presented and put across to the audience

Visuals and what we'll be talking about. 
Jess: All our segments will be presented in front of the green screen, or next to the TV if we're cutting to a VT. We'll be talking about a range of topics from sport and the weeks news, to fashion and music along with a challenge similar to what you get on youtube so that our programme will target a wide range of people.

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