Sunday 23 November 2014

Studio production diary

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My job role was being the director, I found it alright at first when everyone was set work and there wasn't much to do but then I found it harder organising the crew and then getting cast to do it and work around their timetables. It was also stressful when things went wrong on the day and we had to change them before doing a live take.
I had to organise everyone and make sure they were ready on the day, then I'd sit next to the vision mixers and look at all the shots we had and decide whether they worked or not. Then I'd have the final say for any decisions that had to be made about the script and camera angles etc.
My contribution to the idea was the fashion segment which was what my proposal idea was, I developed this more with Jess as we both had similar ideas. I also did shot lists for the fashion and music VT.
Our team worked really well together, we all got on and kept each other going.
Next time I'd definitely have more rehearsal time with all the VTs done as I think this was where we fell, and made us look unorganised. Because we didn't we had to scrap two sections on the day which wasn't ideal. I'd also have better communication with my group as sometimes we were un organised with unfinished work. If we were more organised we could have made sure all VTs were working and do full run through's in rehearsal.

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