Tuesday 13 January 2015

News: What is it?

  • Information
  • A way of gaining knowledge/factual information
  • Stuff that's happened around the world/in your country
  • Keeping people informed and up to date
  • TV, newspapers, radio, online and apps
  • Formal - 10 o'clock news, ITV and informal - This Morning, 60 second news 
School news story
  • It can have an affect on us 
  • Important for parents/anyone with children
  • Relevant for parents and tax payers 
  • Creates an element of panic and urgency 
Sellafield Nuclear article
  • Big company
  • Taken money off them - £9bn
  • Starts panic
  • Relevant because it's local 
1. The most important; Millions rally in Paris, "millions", people care about, it could happen here - it can affect us, recent. 

2. Mass attacks on the west; relevant to us, creates panic, it sounds important 

3. AirAsia box found; mystery, not something that happens often, interesting 

4. Labour price cuts; relates to money which is a big topic now, supermarkets cutting prices, money's a problem now and it applies to almost everyone 

5. 70,000 homes without power; relevant, it could affect us/other people in the country, nothing too major, not scary, doesn't create a big panic

6. Least important; Katy Perry at superbowl because it's not relevant to us - the superbowl is American. 

J.K. Simmons story shouldn't be news, don't know who he is and it's not relevant or important 

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