Friday 9 January 2015

Unit 23/4 Assignment 2

1st Proposal form and planning - "Weekly Roundup"

Planning folder

We've made a hybrid genre combining ideas from everyones proposals, inspiration has come from shows like celebrity juice, fashion police, MTV, match of the day and youtube challenges.

We're using a similar to format to Celebrity Juice where they have different segments, their running order is a mixture of challenges with VT rounds and quizzes but we've put out own spin on it by including fashion, sport and weekly news highlights. The viewing figures for the latest series of celebrity juice was 1.63 million, match of the day got an audience of about 2.53 million, fashion police on average gets 750 million and shows like MTV push where they talk to new bands/artists seem to be a hit as they introduce new artists giving them publicity which the same concept that we went for.

Our target audience of 10-18 years old will be targeted easily. Because we're including sport, challenges, news as well as fashion - there really is something for everyone of both genders. Pre teens as young as 10 do go online on websites like youtube and will watch the tagged challenges and those up to 17/18 still do, and that goes for all topics. For example sport is watched/listened to by a massive range of ages and young boys who play football up to older ones who play rugby will have something to watch or listen to. The fashion part will specifically target teenage girls that are students, so 15/16 and up. This age range are those that watch their money even if it's pocket money or a job and they want to look good for less which is why it will target them successfully.
There is no existing show that is as diverse as this, it's a unique idea that hasn't been made before which is what will make it appealing to people.

2nd Proposal form and planning - "Hot Headlines"



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