Thursday 5 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 4


Job adverts

This would be a good first job to get my foot in the door, working for a respectable TV company like ITV would give me good experience and it sounds like something i'd be capable of. 

It's media related which is a main aspect for me and also events coordinating/management is an interesting job which would be enjoyable.

I have social media accounts and know how to work various apps - facebook, twitter etc so i'd be able to use them in a job for whatever I was needed for.

I wanted to get into journalism when I was in school and I enjoy media so both together are an ideal job.

UCAS courses i've applied for and why

Edge Hill - Film & TV Production
It's relevant to what i'm doing now and it has theory as well as practical which I wanted a balance of and after visiting the Uni and looking at the resources and speaking to the teachers it sounded like the best option. 

University of Salford - TV & Radio
The course content is interesting for me, and the way you're assessed suits me as well, I went to the Uni and the equipment they use is industry standard so if I got a job in the industry i'd be experienced in using it and overall it seemed like a good course with good reviews. 

Edge Hill - Media, TV & Film
It's relevant to the course i'm doing now and it involves practical as well as theory - but a bit too much theory. Overall it just seemed appealing to me and suitable to what I was I wanted to get out of it.

University of Central Lancashire - Film and Media Studies
The course content sounded like a good transition from what i'm doing now, it's not too far away from Manchester and also the qualifications i'd get would enable me to get a job in the media industry. 

Manchester Metropolitan - Film and Media Studies
People said that it was a good course to choose, the modules sounded interesting and it's also close to home so I wouldn't have to move out, overall it just sounded like a good course to pick.

Application Letter

**Updated CV: **


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