Wednesday 11 February 2015

Unit 8 prep work

What is the BBC?
The British Broadcasting Corporation based in the UK who are an international public-serving broadcaster.

How is it funded?

By television licenses which homeowners have to pay to cover their TV, radio, mobile phone, computers and so on. 

When did it start?

TV licenses were introduced in 1904. BBC started in 1922.

What current changes are they making to their channels or programmes?

They've closed down BBC Three as a TV channel making it only available online.

Can you find 2/3 articles on people arguing the pros and cons of the licence fee?

What are commercial TV channels?
They're channels that broadcast TV and radio and are privately owned by corporate media e.g. ITV.

How are they funded?
Liscense fees, individual contributions, public financing and commercial financing. 

How do we know if a commercial channel is successful or not?
Based on the amount of money they make, ITV is commercial and BBC isn't. A commercial channel shows adverts for a range of audience demographics whereas a channel like BBC only show BBC related ads, e.g. new show adverts. 

What are the highest rated programmes on ITV or channel 5?

What is a meant by the term 'media conglomerate'?
A company that owns other large companies in different mass medias - radio, tv, publishing, movies and the internet.

Find some 'media conglomerates'?
CBS, Viacom, Time Warner, 21st Century Fox, Disney, Sony and News Corp.

Who are the major film production studios?
Sony, Viacom, GE, Disney, News Corp, Time/Warner.

Find two or three films for one of the major studio, how much money did they make from it (box office and DVD)
Frozen and Toy Story 3 made $7, 663, 760, 76

What is meant by the term 'independent film'?
A film production that ends up as a feature film that's produced mainly or entirely away from a major film studio. 

Can you find examples of independent film producers?
Adele Romanski, Alan Chan, Gill Holland, Sophia Lin, Nick Case, Richard Raddon.

What independent films have won awards?
"Pride" - Best British independent film.

Yann Demange, "71" - Best independent film director.
Jon Ronson and Peter Straughan, "Frank" - Best screenplay.
"The Karman Line" - Best British short film.

What are the new technological developments in the way we watch/make television and film?
We now have flat screen TVs and we're able to watch programmes and films on phones and tablets, not just TVs.
We now have colour TV.
Analog changed to digital and that's advanced to 3D TV which we are able to record. 
Television used to be made using a mechanical system with a scanning disk that had smalls holes to pick up image fragments on a light sensitive selenium tube.  

Scanning disk mount made in 1923

Later on we used to film using tape, to edit the tape would be cut and put together so that the film flowed.
Now we can simply film something and edit later using up to date software, or in some cases you can edit live as soon as you've filmed it. 

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