Monday 16 September 2013


Auteurs are film makers who have a specific vision for a production which they get recognised and remembered for.

Some auteurs are;
  • Tim Burton who has his own unique style when it comes to dark and gothic takes on horror and fantasy films such as Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow.
  • Stanley Kubrick who is thought to be one of the greatest film makers of all time, his unique use of cinematography and attention to detail used in his films is what makes him such a respected film maker.
  • Ingmar Bergman whose work was known for dealing with death, illness, faith, betrayal, bleakness and insanity,  and was mainly set in the landscapes of Sweden.

1 comment:

  1. Unit 26 assignment 1 presentation feedback

    You have used all the terms from cinematography when discussing Jurassic Park and Jaws but you need to speak more about the impact that these shots have on the audience and what it makes them feel like, please this in a blog post.
    Sound, you have used the terminology well, but you need to analyse another Spielberg scene on your blog, using the terms to describe the sound, but also explainplaining how the pace and tone of the sound creates a mood for the audience
