Sunday 22 September 2013

Technical Workshops, Unit 26 & 21

In today's lesson we learnt the basics of editing on Final Cut Pro which is a non linear editing system, meaning that you don't have to edit shots in chronological order. You can edit the ending first, then the beginning then the middle which you can't do in linear editing systems.

First off we learnt what all the screens were called in Final Cut Pro.

Then we organised our clips into bins so that they were easier to manage.

Then we all chose a clip, and marked it either by clicking I to mark in and O to mark out or using these buttons. 

You know a clip has been marked because you will see the two blue lines with the arrows.

We also talked about the workflow of a production, the workflow is the steps taken to finish a project. First of all you review and mark your footage, then you make a rough cut of all your shots. After that you finalise your cut making it a “locked cut” and then you export it.

I also learned that when watching footage, you can use the J key to rewind, K to stop the footage and L to play.

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