Monday 23 September 2013

Unit 26, Sound and Editing.

•ambient sound

Non diegetic
•voice over

Contrapuntal sound: doesn't fit the image.
Sound bridges: sound seeps over into another shot.

The matrix.
•diegetic dialogue
•shot reverse shot
•background music
•sound bridge, alarm clock.

500 days of summer.
•non diegetic soundtrack, bird tweeting, crowd.
•diegetic dialogue, the lift.
•contrapuntal sound, fountains.

Mean girls.
•contrapuntal sound, wild animal sounds - non diegetic
•non diegetic voice over, music
•diegetic dialogue,
•diegetic ambient mob
•shot reverse shot

Casino royal.
•diegetic dialogue, girl scream, grunts of pain
•ambient sound
•non diegetic soundtrack, sound of the whip (Foley)

Editing transitions are how you get from one shot to another
Fade and cross dissolve - passage of time/suspense // flashback.
Cut - invisible, make sure the narrative flows seamlessly
Montage is a modern idea of showing a selection of narrative in a quick way

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