Wednesday 12 February 2014

Oppositional reading to violent video games

This article is written by parents who are all about protecting their children from extensive use of violence in video games. They believe that violence in the media has influenced others and put ideas into their heads - they use the example of the Sandy Hook shootings where the man already had mental problems but seeing how to virtually use a gun affected him and he went on a shooting spree. This website says that in games where we are the first person shooter are worse and raise the greatest alarm.

This article is all about keeping violence that is so common in video games, in our imaginations. It says that the media use video game developers as the scapegoats for some gamers being extremely violent in real life and that the adrenaline and excitement we get from playing video games that include violence can be the cause for changes in behaviour after playing. They also mention that violent games are a way for us to let out our aggression and flipping cars over and shooting people isn't a proper or healthy way to do so.

This article talks about the affects that the violence has on children, it says how they have become passive to it and less sensitive to seeing people being in pain/suffering. It also says how exposure to violence has desensitized us and we no longer find it as shocking, some can even find it humorous in games such as Grand Theft Auto, this is becoming increasingly more common. The article tells us how in an experiment, those observed going into adulthood and had watched violent TV programmes from as young as 8 were more likely to be arrested for criminal acts when an adult due to the stuff they had watched having such an influence on them.

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