Monday 10 February 2014

Unit 6 Assignment 3 Notes

Why do you play video games?
Because i'm bored and it passes time. 
Some people play video games to be competitive and be virtually social, also to get a virtual reality and to have experiences that you can't have in real life. So that you feel accomplished when you complete a level

Brief notes
Assignment is about how video games affect the audience
Need an opinionated article on what we think - use research to have an opinion
Talk about the effects model

First bullet point is a work sheet in class.
List video games that have been linked to violent behaviour, find out some complaints.
Find some oppositional readings - negative opinions from news articles, politicians, parents.
Research about the positive effects of video games - educational ones like brain training .
Explain whether I have a preferred or oppositional reading to video games. (can have both)
Debate about the effects model - if it has relevance to society or video games.

Effects model is a theory (idea) - therefore it can be wrong. The media can affect how the audience behave, the effects model is sometimes called the hypodermic needle/syringe theory as it "injects" you with ideas from the media.
Passive - somethings happens to you, just sat there.

For some people who are vulnerable, they might be more prone to using the violent behaviour seen in video games in real life.

Crime linked to a video game

Video games are good; Call of Duty - helps eyesight, Big Brain Academy - helps your memory, Nintendogs - teaches you how to look after a dog, Wii Fit - gets you up and moving, Starcraft - you have to apply strategy, Super Mario - increases motor skills, Minecraft - you have to apply strategy and thought, Zumba Fitness - it gets you active.

Nintendo Wii - use this in research.

Link all websites used throughout.

Due in 28th Feb.

Negative effects - Call of Duty 

- you're being included in a terrorist group
- hear mainly women screaming and they still carry on shooting
- killing innocent people
- showing peoples' corpses
- blood on the screen
- shooting people twice " double tap "

Last violent act I saw

What do you define as a violent act?
Hurting someone - punching, kicking, using guns/knife
Killing someone
Lots of blood

Informative - teaches us something, inform us in some way.
Gratuitous - there for us to enjoy it, there for our entertainment.

Desensitisation - when you stop caring about something. You see that much violence it doesn't bother you anymore. 

                                                            White House Down 

Makes us feel entertained, lots of action going on 
Shocked because it's blowing up the white house and causing mass destruction 

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