Friday 24 January 2014

Dan Prezi Script

Slide 1: We are going to talk about the purpose of music videos and go in-depth on the techniques and styles.

Slide 2: Music videos are created for different reasons, some being;  product placement, to promote a business, promote the artist and to increase record sales. For example, product placement is Where a company pays an artist to include their product in a video for advertising and to increase sales.

Product placement is used in Miley Cyrus' music video, we can't stop. As you can see from the picture the video features an extreme closeup of Eos lipbalm. It also has many other ones to show the audience that there are a lot of different ones that you can buy. Miley Cyrus is a really big recording artist so a lot of people are guaranteed to see her music videos. And the more people that see her music videos the more people who see the product placement and the more people bound to want to buy it.

Slide 3: Different styles of music videos are animation, narrative and surrealist. Creators of videos can make theirs a parody, homage or pastiche. 

A parody is a humorous imitation of a previous work. Homage is a respectful reference to someone else's work and pastiche is borrowing techniques or styles from someone else's work. 

For example Katy Perry's music video California Gurls is made in the surrealist style. We know this because of the props that are used in it. The larger than life props. Like the lolly pops, the sweets and the candy canes. The sky is unreal. The clouds that she lies on aren't real.

In music videos, different techniques can be used, some being; chroma keying, using different shots, mise en scene and lip syncing.

Slide 4: Conventions are what you expect to see in something.
Oasis fall into the rock/alternative rock genre and the conventions of those music videos are using a lot of black and white/sepia washes, lots of shots of the band and close ups of the lead singer. 

You can see in the screen caps below that Oasis and The Stone Roses though they are different bands, they both include close ups of the lead singers face. We know that they do this because of the fact it's seen as a generic convention of rock/alternative genre. 

In the next screen cap you can see that Oasis and The Who, again two different bands follow a similar theme in their music video. The black and white colour wash that they both use prove that this is another convention of the rock/alternative genre. 

Slide 5: In Oasis' music video for Stand By Me the style is a narrative we know this because of the fact that you can see a story start to unfold as the music video progresses and it has a plot twist because it looks like a man is pushing a woman against a wall to attack her when he's actually saving her from getting hit by a motorbike. The purpose of this music video is to promote the album which is advertised in the description bar. 

The techniques used in the video are slow motion, shifting the colour wash from black and white to being vibrant with a high saturation and lyric interpretation. 

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