Monday 13 January 2014

Mode Of Address

What is the mode of address?
Upbeat, cheesy, energetic, positive

Prove it. (facial expression, colours, sound, camera..)
Lots of energy - dancing, they look happy, coloured umbrellas that match the show title and they're all wearing black and white - the font gives you the impression that it's a laid back show. You can see a bit of their personalities from their close ups. The song has happy lyrics and is catchy.

How does it make you feel?
Happy because it looks like it will be a fun show and we want to watch.

Genre - generic conventions of a sci fi.
Scientific props and sets - labs, spaceships, space
Futuristic costumes
Reference to aliens
Futuristic sets - other planets
Unknown dialogue - non diegetic sound e.g electronic
Unusual narrative

Did the trailer meet your expectations?
Futuristic props and setting
Robotic characters
Characters didn't look like normal humans
Set in space
Spaceship battles
Unknown creatures

What didn't you expect?
The car chase - seemed too normal, the setting of a desert wasn't typical of a sci fi. Slow mo dive looked like an action film. It makes the film more interesting because you're getting something new.

Genre means type.
Mode of address is the way something makes you feel (tone).
Target audience is who you want to watch your product (Demographics; age, gender, orientation, place)
Oppositional reading is people who have an opposite opinion to yours.
Preferred reading is what producers want you to feel - have a good opinion about it.

Generic conventions are what you expect to see.

Defining audiences. 
Target audience of Star Trek;

  • Sci fi fans - it has the conventions of one.
  • Teenagers and up - has a 12 rating.
  • Males because the characters are prominently male and includes a lot of action conventions. - It speaks to the stereotypical interests of men. 
  • Fans of Star Trek - "Live Long and Prosper" sound and mid shot of Spock. 
  • Women - strong female characters, hints of romance. 
  • Psychographics of explorers, mainstreamers and generic. 
  • Oppositional - older fans. 
Single strand - Die Hard - simple storyline, save the building, kill the bad guy.
Multi strand - Love Actually, lots of different story lines - is my product single or multi strand? 
Enigma codes - puzzles that have to be solved to keep us interested.
Character types - hero, victim, villain.
Flashbacks - distorts the narrative, sometimes in black and white. They give us better understandings of a film or could shadow something that is about to happen. 

People or places in media products are re-representations of reality.
They are easy for audiences to watch and relate.
They can be described as; positive, negative, stereotypical.

Geeks - glasses, buttoned up shirts, clever, shy, outcast.
Women - act ditsy/dumb, takes ages to get ready.
Lads - heavy drinkers, immature, sporty, large groups.

In my media product I have to prove it by what they say, how they look and behave. 

Representation task
Elderly people are being represented in a negative way.
Stereotypical that all old people can't see without glasses and as you get older your eyesight goes a bit. Moaning about it being too over crowded and not having fun from their facial expression and the way that they're dressed is very plain and includes beige which is typical elderly clothing. Brought their own tupperware with sandwiches.
Audience find it funny, comical mode of address.
Oppositional - old people can get offended because it's suggesting their hearing is a bit off and can't see. 

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