Sunday 12 January 2014

Reflective Analysis

With the production of our documentary what worked well was us being able to work in our own groups and we could picked who we work with and because we already knew each other we didn't feel shy telling people to do more work but the down side to that is that we weren't always focused on getting work done. We were also good with getting the paperwork done and we were able ti plan out what we were filming when and what to say - the draft script was done on time and we were able to alter it so it was better.
I think our organisation could have been improved because we talked about what we wanted to get filmed but 8 times out of 10 we didn't get get it all done and it put us behind a bit so the end result wasn't as long as we wanted it to be and we had to include footage off youtube which was our plan b but ideally w didn't want to.
In future productions I want to get all the paperwork done first and make sure it's done properly so that when we come to practically making it all goes how it should - some of the interviews we did got scrapped because they didn't look good and it wasted a lot of time.
From the project I learnt how to work in a group and share responsibilities and how important it is to make sure you communicate with your group so you know what you have to do in terms of paperwork and job roles when you're filming.

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