Tuesday 11 March 2014

Unit 30 - Advertising Production and Unit 5 - Working To A Brief

The format.
Briefs can take a variety of forms.

  • Contractual - formal, binding, detailed
  • Formal - written, professional, signed
  • Informal - verbal, note form
  • Cooperative - work together with client
  • Competitive - in competition with another producer to win a commission 
  • You need to read briefs thoroughly
  • Need to work out what the company is asking you to do
  • Explicit (obvious) or implicit (not obvious/subtle) message
Lots depends on the client.
  • Zero negotiation - they will tell you exactly what you want
  • You might not get the opportunity to discuss the brief
  • The brief may be open to some sort of negotiation
  • Creative negotiation - you might be able to interpret the brief in a variety of ways 
  • You may be able to negotiate the fee 
  • A brief can help you to identify opportunities for your personal development
  • You may learn new technical skills
  • You could learn how to communicate in a professional manner  
  • You can develop your negotiating skills 

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