Friday 14 March 2014

Unit 5 Outcome 1

The format off the EE brief is quite formal as they're telling you want they want and it's written in a professional way in comparison to the Barclays one which is more informal as it's in more of a note form and they just want us to make the 5 million young futures campaign famous.

The IBM brief is also informal as it's written in bullet points and it's illustrated with cartoon pictures. 
They are all competitive because more than one group of people will be making adverts for them but in our class it is only the EE brief that is competitive because we are the only group that has decided to do the barclays brief in our class.

The message of the EE brief was the most explicit and it firmly told us what they wanted so this one wouldn't really be open for negotiation as they just want an advert that promotes how good 4G is.

The IBM brief is the most open to negotiation as they just want an advert that promotes the business as not many people know who they are. The message wasn't very clear and we weren't familiar with the brand and because the brief wasn't very structured we didn't go with this one.

The message of the Barclays brief was quite implicit and not as clear as the EE one as it was more informal and wasn't in as much detail. It is open for negotiation as it's not set in stone and they're flexible with the content as long as the 5 million young futures campaign is featured.

As a media professional, the briefs offer us a place on The Ladder and will give us new skills and experience which will be useful for future projects. 

We went with the Barclays brief and we picked it because it's quite vague and but gave us the opportunity to get creative and use our imagination to make it our own. It gave us guidelines and as long as we based the ad around the idea of 5,000,000 we could interpret it however we wanted to. 
 The cons are that it is quite brief and it didn't give us much to go off and the topic is quite predictable and we needed to make it as unique and upbeat as possible.

We're the right team to produce an advert for Barclays because  we are young so we can have fresh take on what the audience will find interesting and we work well as a team and incorporate all of our ideas together. We wanted a challenge so this appeals to us as noone else is doing it, it's an open brief and will set us apart from the other groups. We've looked at past adverts from Barclays their more recent advert has featured a talking animal so we thought of a way  to put our own spin on it by using a tortoise. This will represent how barclays are slowly but surly changing 5 million lives. Music is also a key part in barclays adverts for example the barclays waterslide advert music is a key feature in this advert. We want to use don't stop me now by queen, this will be comical because it is ironic.

1 comment:

    You can immediately identify and compare the format of each brief using specific examples. You look at the competitive nature of the brief early on and discuss the broader context of the competition within the class (D1). Your terminology is excellent and used correctly throughout. Your reasons for picking the Barclays brief are good and are well though through. Research has been undertaken and indeed clearly influenced your ideas - this is good (D1). The style of the final advert is discussed and relates back to the brief (D1). Well done.
